B. D., (Union Biblical Seminary)
Pastor Williams has been involved in pastoral ministry in India for almost forty years. He has ministered in many different types of ministry including youth and student ministry, Bible conference speaking, evangelism, leading Bible studies, and counseling. He is also the founding pastor of Disciples Community Church in Pune. Pastor Williams has faithfully shepherded the church for the last 40 years. The faithful exposition and application of the Bible has marked his ministry in the church. At present, Pastor Williams’ primary ministry remains his service as the teaching pastor of Disciples Community Church. His other ministries include teaching in PTS, overseeing the ministry of Grace To India, serving on the boards of several ministries, and speaking in various Bible conferences throughout India. Pastor Williams and his wife, Leena, have raised two sons who are both following the Lord and are involved in ministry. Pastor Williams teaches courses on pastoral ministry, Indian Church History and Theology.

M.Div., The Master’s Seminary
Professor Williams is a native of Pune, but now he is staying in Goa and is serving as the dean and professor at PTS. He graduated in Biblical Counseling at the Master’s College and then also finished his M.Div from The Master’s Seminary, CA. He ministers in India at the Pastoral Training Seminary, as academic dean and professor. In 2005, Sammy co-pastored a church plant in Pune for 4 years till God led him to move his ministry to Goa and establish Cornerstone Community Church. Professor Williams primarily teaches courses in Expository Preaching, Biblical Counseling, and Biblical Hebrew and Greek. His passion is to train and build up people through the clear preaching of Jesus Christ from His Word.