This program is conducted quarterly and designed as a online modular week of classes. The focus of this training is on developing skills in hermeneutics and preaching. Existing pastors or bi-vocational leaders, who cannot commit to a full time course of study will benefit from these courses.

Features of Online Preacher’s Academy

  • Avail the comfort of studying from Home, with interaction of a regular academy.
  • Invitation to all Churches and Laymen interested to study and to teach and preach.
  • Please keep a dedicated workspace, a mobile phone or a computer with a good internet condition for the ZOOM Video conferencing.
  • – free account needed
  • Apply and Register online by paying ₹ 750/-
  • Please note that it is necessary to attend all the classes during the Preachers Academy
  • If you are interested in applying for the Certificate in Expository Preaching you must choose the option in the application form. The Certificate in Expository Preaching requires attending 8 consecutive one-week Preachers Academy Courses and will require attendance, completed assignments, academic information and character recommendation.
  • Attendance of all classes is mandatory.
  • Completion of assignments is necessary for Certificate in Expository Preaching.


  • We only train men who are genuinely saved and called to ministry
  • Applicants must be graduates
  • Applicants must be fluent in English.
  • Applicants must be involved in the Local Church Ministry and a letter of recommendation from your Pastor is mandatory.

For more information

Please contact immediately
WhatsApp or phone PTS office 93706 55186

This online class is organized by Pastoral Training Seminary, Goa