The following three biblical principles form the foundation upon which the Pastoral Training Seminary is built. These biblical truths express the commitment of each faculty member and summarize the focus of the training provided at the Seminary. It is the goal of the training at PTS that each student also develops a deep commitment to these principles.

Pastoral Ministry Must be Focused on Excellence in Bible Exposition.

We are committed to the biblical mandate to “Preach the Word” (2 Timothy 4:2) as the cornerstone of Church ministry. When Christ is preached from the text of Scripture, both the preacher and his flock are transformed and empowered.

Personal Godliness is Essential to Effective Church Leadership.

We are committed to developing godly men for leadership who prize Christ above popularity, who hold to truth instead of giving in to compromise, who love purity and not sensuality, and who seek brokenness of spirit rather than earthly riches or power (1 Timothy 3:1-7).

Pastors Must Make Service in the Local Church the Highest Priority in Their Ministries.

We are committed to the primacy of the local Church. Christ promised to build only one body — the Church (Matthew 16:18). We see our purpose to be part of this unstoppable plan of our Lord — to build His Church in India and throughout the world.