Joshua Abraham – M. Div Final Year

I came to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus during the first year of my undergraduate studies. While I had, even at that time, a genuine desire to be involved with Christian work and to pursue formal Biblical studies, the opportunities for the same came only few decades later. Having heard of PTS, I enrolled in its MDiv program in 2022 to better equip me in the teaching ministry which I had.

At PTS, the academic rigour has been intense and relentless, but since all the subjects were Bible focussed, I never felt a single subject to be a waste of time. This course has equipped me with skills for understanding and teaching the Scriptures in a more effective manner. One thing which stands out for me in this course was its adherence to what the Bible taught, instead of other books, views or dogmas. This reinforced my conviction that the Scriptures were sufficient for our Christian walk and all issues pertaining to life and godliness were clearly discernible from its pages. This stands in contrast to the unfortunate vagueness in much of Evangelical Christianity, where the will of God is often thought to be discerned by subjective notions rather than by what is written.

I am grateful for this opportunity, and desire that in my future ministry, I will build on the truths I have learnt, the skills I have acquired, the tools I have been exposed to, the friendships I have gained, to be more effective and useful in the Lord’s service.

Dinesh Panjwani – M. Div 2011 batch

My journey to PTS was not one I had planned for myself, but one that God graciously led me into. I felt a deep calling to understand His Word more fully and to be equipped for ministry, particularly in the area of biblical counseling. Through prayer and the encouragement of mentors, I took a step of faith and began this journey, eager to grow both spiritually and academically. PTS was both a season of great joy and a significant challenge. From the very first class, I realized that my understanding of Scripture was being stretched in ways I had never experienced before. I was introduced to deep theological truths that reshaped my view of God, His sovereignty, and His grace. There were times of academic rigor, where assignments and readings felt overwhelming, but through it all, God reminded me that dependence on Him was more important than mere intellectual knowledge. Some of the most transformative moments came not just from lectures, but from conversations with professors and fellow students who shared their wisdom and experiences in ministry. One of the most profound lessons I learned was how the gospel applies to every aspect of life. Studying biblical counseling helped me see the power of Scripture to bring healing, restoration, and transformation to broken lives. It reinforced my belief that God’s Word is sufficient for addressing the deepest struggles of the human heart.

Vikas Mukhiya – M. Div Final year

Vikas Mukhiya
Vikas MukhiyaM.Div 2022-2025

I am grateful to God for His providence in bringing me to a seminary where Christ is glorified, His Word is honoured, and His church is loved. Pastoral Training Seminary has equipped me for the work of pastoral ministry and has given me the necessary tools needed to accurately handle the Word of truth. The integration of my seminary education with the life of a local church has been one of the greatest blessings I received. Not only did the local church provide me with opportunities to serve and apply what I am learning during the week, but it has also enabled me to learn from the faculty as they ministered to the flock of God. To learn under a faculty of pastor-theologians who understand the ins and outs of pastoral ministry, has been a gift to me. Furthermore, their personal involvement in my life beyond the classroom has been formative to my character development. The seminary has taught me how to mine the truths of Scripture with depth and accuracy and how to proclaim it with clarity, conviction and passion. I came as a boy with a desire to grow in the Scriptures and a burden for the church; I am leaving as a man still desiring to grow in the Scriptures and still burdened for the church but also equipped for the work that God has called me to do. I am grateful to PTS for preparing me for a lifetime of pastoral ministry.