It is so wonderful to sing praises to God. It helps us to know God better in our lives. At the same time, we will be very close to God when we are worshipping Him. Because He is our Creator, right? He created us. Even we were singing, Behold our God, seated on the throne. Even kings and nations tremble before Him. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. At the same time, He created everything, every one of us. God created us amazingly, right? You cannot compare human beings with other beings. God created amazingly. He created eyes and mouth and legs and hands. God created legs to do His work so that we can glorify Him.
God created our hands to glorify Him in different ways. God has given us a mouth to speak things that glorifies Him. Today, we are going to focus on one of the important parts of our body, which is our mouth. God has given us two legs and two hands, two eyes, even two holes in our nose, right? The only one mouth that God has given to us. That shows we should speak less and whatever we speak, that should glorify God. The Bible says that we must slow to speak.
In James chapter 1 verse 19, we must speak carefully. Because if you speak much, more errors will come. Now, let me ask you brothers and sisters.
What is the qualification that makes you an elder, a pastor? Otherwise, you are just like deacons. What is the qualification that makes you different from deacons? Able to teach. So, you need to speak, right? If you are not able to speak, you are not qualified to be a pastor.
If you have, if you are not able to speak. So, in that case, you need to do other ministry in the church, right? So, you should be able to teach. If you are teaching, if you are speaking, people are not able to understand.
That means, God is telling you to do other things in the church, right? So, that is the qualification, different qualification, important qualification. Today’s sermon will teach us what to speak, what not to speak. We will learn how we can glorify God in our speeches as pastors.
It is important, right? Sometimes even pastors, they speak whatever they want. No, we should not speak whatever we want. We must be very careful.
That’s what we are going to look at today. Titus chapter 3, verse 8 and 9. Titus chapter 3, verse 8 and 9. Paul says in verse 8. This is a trustworthy statement and concerning these things, I want you to speak confidently so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and profitable for men.
But, avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. Can you see that the theme of this passage very clearly based on two verbs in this passage, especially verse 8, you see that to speak confidently. Then you see verse 9, avoid foolish controversies, which is foolish debates and genealogies, strife, disputes.
These things are connected to our speech. So, the theme of this passage is God glorifying speech of a pastor. God glorifying speech of a pastor.
Because Paul is saying here, I want you to speak confidently. I want you to avoid some speeches. Can you see that verse 9, what Paul is saying here? Here we have two principles that a pastor must follow to have God glorifying speech.
The first principle that a pastor must have, must follow to have God glorifying speech is assert confidence in God’s salvation. Assert confidence in God’s salvation. Look at verse 8, as I said before, I want you to speak confidently.
The Greek idea, the verb in verse 8, I want you to speak confidently. The meaning of speaking confidently is insisting to affirm strongly. Assert confidently.
Give special emphasis. The idea is Titus has to give special emphasis on something that is teaching what Paul has taught him already before. To understand this word meaning, the same verb used in 1 Timothy 1 verse 7, which says, the matters about which they make confidence, assertion.
Confident assertion. It is speaking something boldly, confidently. Declaring something.
Paul says that Titus must emphasize in his speech, in his teaching. What? He says concerning these things, verse 8. Concerning these things. These things refers to the truth that he taught in the previous passage.
Titus chapter 3 verse 3 to 7. These things, we need to go back. Verse 3. For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another. Then he says, but when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us.
So that is the message that Paul taught to Titus, right? Taught to cretins, right? So he is telling, concerning these things. You speak. Confidently you speak.
He has to affirm or speak confidently about the amazing salvation of God. He has to assert strongly the necessity of salvation. Verse 3. He has to assert strongly the author of salvation.
He has to assert strongly the means of salvation. That is the work of the Holy Spirit that he wrote already. You need to speak those things confidently.
You need to use your mouth to glorify God. One of the way you can glorify God through your mouth, speaking the salvation of God. Speaking the salvation of God.
If you ask, why I should speak the salvation of God? The truth about the salvation of God. Paul wants to give you motivation. I want to motivate you.
See, he is giving three motivations to speak the amazing salvation of God. Why Titus should speak the amazing salvation of God? The first motivation to speak about the amazing salvation of God is, it is a reliable truth. It is a reliable truth.
Verse 8. It says, this is a trustworthy statement. Can you see that? It is a trustworthy statement. This truth is being worthy of belief.
Trust. Faithful saying. Dependable truth.
The idea is, this truth inspiring the faith. This truth inspires trust. The same thing, same word he used, Titus chapter 1 verse 9. He says, holding fast the faithful word.
Holding fast the faithful word. This word is faithful, dependable. Can you read these kind of phrases in the Bible? Mostly Paul uses these phrases, right? If you think about 1 Timothy chapter 1 verse 15, he says, it is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all.
The 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 11, he says, it is a trustworthy statement. For if we died with him, we will also live with him. These truths are reliable.
Whenever you see this statement, it is a trustworthy statement. The content of that is reliable, trustworthy. No need to doubt about that fact.
No need to doubt about those truths. That’s what Paul is saying here. In the same way, the truth about God’s salvation is reliable.
We know that you should understand the total depravity. That is true, that is fact. You need to teach them.
The second thing, you need to understand the author of salvation. That is true, that is God is author of our salvation. We can trust that word.
No need to disbelieve about that fact that God is the author of salvation. Not only that, the means of salvation is the works of the Holy Spirit. You should not distrust the Holy Spirit.
This is a trustworthy statement. You should believe, you should believe. Look at verse 8, he says, concerning these things, I want you to speak confidently.
Can you see? It is a strong desire of an apostle. He is saying that I want you to speak. Who is Paul? He is an apostle, right? He is saying to Titus, you need to speak.
I want you to speak. That shows that whatever Paul is saying to Titus, God is saying. We know that, right? Apostle means sent one.
Christ Jesus sent him. Whatever apostle is saying, God is saying. That is why it is reliable.
That is why it is reliable. These truths are reliable. So many people come and teach whatever they want.
But we should not trust those things. Those things are not reliable. But we can trust in these words because these truths are coming from an apostle.
God is giving this truth. So, the truth about salvation is reliable because it comes from apostolic teaching. So, brothers, we must teach apostolic teaching because that teaching is reliable.
Not other teachings. Even Jude says, verse 3, he says, Beloved, I felt the necessity to write you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to saints. Here faith refers to the doctrine, the teaching which was given to us by apostles.
Whatever you received it through apostles by God, those are reliable. You should fight for that. You should fight for that.
Don’t fight for your own teaching. You should fight for the teaching which is written in the Bible. Because those things came from God.
If truths are coming from apostles, that means it is reliable. That motivates us to teach, to speak confidently about this truth. God is our saviour.
God is our saviour. You do it again and again, again and again. You do it.
But we know that, right? The necessity of preaching gospel, necessity of preaching salvation message. It saves, right, people? It saves. Because it is trustworthy.
We can trust. If you are not satisfied with this motivation, He is going to give second motivation. The second motivation to speak about the amazing salvation of God is, it is the motivation for good deeds.
It motivates to engage in good deeds. Look at verse 8. It says, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. Teaching the truth about the salvation motivates to engage in good deeds.
That is what Paul is saying. So that refers to the purpose of speaking confidently the truth of salvation. Titus must speak confidently with this goal.
We pastors, not only we preach the message of salvation for salvation. We preach the message of salvation for sanctification. Interesting fact, right? We are seeing that.
When you teach the gospel message, people are becoming holy. Church members are following Christ. Whenever you preach about the truth about salvation, that is what he is saying.
When you do it, this will happen. We will be careful to engage in good deeds. This kind of teaching will motivate believers to engage in good deeds.
The meaning of be careful is to be thoughtful. It refers to think seriously about. Be careful about.
Be concerned too. In what they will think seriously? In what they will think seriously? He says they will think seriously to engage in good deeds. So the idea is believers will think very seriously to engage in good deeds whenever you speak the message about salvation.
It is true, right? We cannot force people to do good things. We can motivate them. Look at what Christ has done on the cross.
Think about the author of salvation. God is being kind towards you. He has love for you.
He is merciful. Not only he is merciful, he is gracious. He only accomplished your salvation when you are in bondage of total depravity.
You cannot save yourself. God saved you because he is gracious, merciful and kind and love. If you understand what God has done, then you love to please him.
You want to follow him. That is the reason, right? He is motivating. It is the motivation for good deeds.
Motivation for good deeds. Then it says to engage. To engage is responsible preoccupation with something.
And also it means strive for. To care for. Give attention to.
What Paul is saying here is very clear, very simple. When a pastor speaks confidently about the truth of the gospel of God, truth of the salvation, then people who believe God will seriously think to strive for, to give attention to good deeds. That is the message.
It is applicable to us, right? We can apply in our life as pastors. Don’t force. Don’t force believers to do good deeds and exalt God.
Preach the work of Christ. Preach the goodness of God. Then when they understand, they will follow.
It is like Easy Brothers. If you want a fan, you can switch on, right? You can go and switch on. But we can do another thing also.
We can take stick and beat the fans, right? So you can beat that one. But what happens when we try to force people to engage in good deeds, damage will happen. The switch is there.
What is that switch? Preach the goodness of God. Tell how Christ saved them. Then you motivate them.
If Christ has done this work, then why don’t you love him? We know, right? He loved us first. In written, we love him. But let us see the different aspects of good deeds that Paul talks about in this episode.
Good deeds refers to all the godliness. All godliness, good acts of Christians in the society. Even he says, chapter 3, title chapter 3, verse 1. He says that to be ready for every good deed, it is connected to citizenship, right? If you are a citizen of your country, you should have good deeds, right? How you can have good deeds? How you can be a good citizen in the society when you understand the salvation of God? You can pay tax on time when you understand what God has done in your life.
You will follow the rules and regulations of traffic because God has done for me many things. Just I need to follow these things. Not only that, good deeds refers to meeting pressing needs.
Meeting pressing needs. Titus chapter 3, verse 13 to 14, which says, you can see the same chapter, verse 13 and 14 says, we simply help Genus, the lawyer, and Apollos on their way so that nothing is lacking for them. Our people must also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs so that they will not be unfruitful.
Can you see that? To meet pressing needs. Think now you are going to listen to the conclusion of this episode. So, this Genus and Apollos, they are going somewhere else for ministry purpose.
What happens? Titus has to help him. How he can help? I think he is raising funds from church. Then he is telling, verse 14, very clearly, our people must also learn to engage in good deeds.
That means giving something to support these two men on their journey. The good deeds refers to meeting pressing needs in the church, in missions. So, when you go back, when you start your church, as a pastor, don’t think that, I planted the church, my church is everything fine, I am getting my honorarium, I am okay, but don’t forget to think about missions.
Don’t forget to think about planting other churches in other places near to you, right? You need to support, you need to do good deeds, you need to encourage your people so that some men can do missionary works, some men can go plant the church. Do you remember how Antioch church sent Paul and Barnabas to do missionary journey, to plant churches? The same way, same things are happening. Good deeds refers to encouraging evangelism, encouraging planting the church.
For that, church has to do. Even ourselves, we need to encourage church. If it is possible, if you are rich, give your money as well, so that someone can plant the church in another place.
Not only that, good deeds refers to the godly deeds of different kinds of members of the church. Can you see? We have covered those things in very detail. Titus chapter 2 verse 3 to 10, we have seen the duties of older men and women, young men and women, young women and employees.
Can you see that? You need to fulfill those duties. When you understand God saved you from that bondage, He has given you great privilege becoming His sons and daughters when He is going to bless you through the Holy Spirit. So, you need to fulfill your duties as His sons and daughters.
That’s what Paul is saying. It will motivate you. It will motivate people to engage in good deeds when you are preaching the message of salvation.
Message of salvation. Not only that, the interesting thing, false teachers can’t do good works. They cannot do good works.
Only believers can do good works. Paul says, Titus chapter 1 verse 16, They know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being disobedient, worthless for any good deed. Can you see that? These false teachers are worthless for good deeds.
They are not able to do good deeds. But you, Titus, you can do good deeds. You can encourage people to do good things.
That’s why you need to speak. You need to use your mouth to glorify God. To bring glory to God, you need to speak.
You need to speak. The third motivation to speak about this truth, the amazing salvation of God, He gives, it is good and profitable for all men. Can you see that? Or say, these things are good and profitable for men.
So, Paul is amazing, right? He said, he is motivating Titus, why he should speak, why he should use his mouth to glorify God. Three motivations. The third motivation, it is good and profitable for all men.
It is not only good and profitable for church members, that he has said already, that now he is covering all men. Even it is good, profitable for unbelievers, all peoples. It is good.
So, speak these things. The meaning of the word profitable is useful, beneficial, advantageous to all men. It is beneficial to all men whenever you speak confidently about the salvation message.
The salvation message is useful, beneficial, advantageous to all men, all men. Yesterday, one person called me. She is called from Flipkart.
Then she was telling that, Sir, you are searching something in Flipkart. We want to help you. Can you buy that one now? I said, no, I did not search.
Maybe my wife searched for that. So, we don’t want, just we want to know the price. That’s it.
But she is not leaving me. She said again, Sir, I will help you. When you are searching again, please, when can I call you back? Can you tell date and time? I was preparing someone.
I was busy. I am breaking my head. But she is killing my time.
She is speaking so many things, which is not profitable, which is not profitable, which is not advantageous to me. But the gospel is not like that. You know that call center, but sorry to say that, that is their job.
To eat people’s brain. Even though we don’t want, they force us to buy, right? So, some things in the world, some speeches in the world are not beneficial. But what Paul is saying here, brothers and sisters, these things are good and profitable.
It is good. It is not bad. It is beneficial to all men, not only believers, not only believers.
That is the motivation. That is the motivation, why we should speak. Some people stop the message of the gospel, because they think it is useless, unbeneficial to them.
But scripture is saying very clearly, very loudly, the message of salvation is useful to all men. So, that is your job to do it. That is why you came here.
That is why you are doing your diagram. That is why you are breaking your head. Because you need to speak the message of salvation to people.
To people. Because it is good and beneficial to all men. Even though they are not listening, you can preach them.
You can preach. Why? Why it is good and beneficial? It saves and also it sanctifies. Two benefits, right? It saves and sanctifies.
Teach the saving message, brothers. To teach, to speak this message, taking your time and taking away your luxuries, taking away your, whatever it is, comforts. So, you need to do it.
You need to pursue it. Because it is good and profitable. That is the reason God called you here.
Right? Not just to, to become academic, right? To learn all those great theological things. But you came here so that you can preach the word. You can preach the message about the salvation of God.
Teach the saving message. That leads us to the second principle that a pastor must follow to have a God glorifying speech. The first one, assert confidence in God’s salvation.
Speak confidently about God’s salvation. The second principle, run away from useless debates. Run away from useless debates.
Look at verse 9. He says, but avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the law. Can you see that all are connected with our speech? We are debating, and he says strife and foolish controversies, genealogies. Look at the word but.
But refers to contrast above action. Verse 8 is talking about positive action. Verse 9 is talking about negative action.
You need to follow these two principles. You need to speak good things. That is message of salvation.
You should not do other speeches. So that is run away from useless debates. Then you can glorify God through your speech, through your speech.
Why I am saying? Look at the verb avoid. Avoid is to go around so as to avoid. Shun, or you can say ignore.
I still remember what I did in my childhood my mother told me to bring some vegetables and other things from shop. There were three shops in my village. My mother used to tell me exact shop that I should go there.
When I was going to buy things and vegetables I need to cross another shop. So after buying like vegetables and other things I will not go same route. I will go little bit far because I know that person that person knows me.
What happens if that shop owner sees me? Why you are not buying things from us? Why you are going there that shop? So what I do? I will take another route. It is called avoiding. So I am to avoid that person I am going another way.
That the same word Paul is using. The same idea Paul is using. That person do not like you even though you are going they will avoid, they go like that.
If you are going to speak that person they willingly speak more with somebody else. Can you see avoiding things? The Paul is saying the same idea to go around so as to avoid. If someone is debating about useless things you run away from that place.
You run away from that person. Avoid that person. Avoid the same route when you are buying.
Even now we can do those things because we are afraid of those things. The same thing that is small thing but this is great thing. Do not waste your time.
Do not waste your time for useless debates. Run away from them. Avoid them.
See the force of the present imperative you can see in this passage. It is present imperative in this to avoid useless debates. Train yourself.
Make this is your habit. So that was my habit. Always I do like that.
I did like that because I want to be nice with that person. So I have done that one. So you need to make you need to train yourself to avoid useless debates.
Do not say that see that person is coming. There is no chance. No, you need to train yourself.
How can you escape from this useless debate? That is what Paul is saying. He is commanding Titus avoid these things. Run away from these debates.
We know that the meaning of unprofitable is useless, unbeneficial, disadvantageous. These debates are useless. Run away from those men.
Run away from those speeches. It is unprofitable. Not only it is unprofitable, Paul says that it is worthless which means to be of no use, fruitless, lacking truth.
It is like fruitless thing, worthless thing. It is called as another way you can say empty. Nothing is there.
Nothing is there in that debate. Run away from useless debates. It is so important for us, right? We know many theological truth and we know many things but sometimes what happens, no? Without knowing, you try to debate with others.
When you go back, your pastor may not expert like you. When he is telling something wrong in left hand issues, do not fight with him. Be patient, wait, give him more time but do not, first Sunday, do not attack those issues which is like, no? Left hand issues.
Do not preach there. You people say about covering head. Covering head is not necessary because the context is different.
Do not give all your contextual studies. Then, everybody knows their pastor has done that one. He is agreeing with covering the head.
So, something you are creating, something like that. Do not do that. These two words, unprofitable and worthless convey the meaning these debates are useless.
That is why I said run away from useless debates, useless debates. Two useless, three useless debates that we must run away from. The first useless debate that we must run away from, very simple, Paul is clearly saying that the first useless debate is foolish theological debate.
Foolish theological debate. Look at verse 9. He says foolish controversies which means debates. The idea is engaging in controversial discussions, argument about religion, argument about theological problems.
You know, right? What are the theological problems which are left hand issues, not main thing. But by the way, debating is not bad. By the way, you need to understand.
You need to stand for the truth when someone is contradicting the Bible. Even Paul says, no one should contradict the word of God, right? Especially right hand issues. If someone is contradicting the word of God about Christ, about his salvation, about his holiness, you can stand there.
You can say that he is wrong. But do not waste your time with that point. Even Paul debated, right? Acts chapter 15 verse 2. Acts chapter 15 verse 2, it says, when Paul and Barnabas had great disagreement and debate with them, the brethren determined that Paul and Barnabas, some others of them should go up to Jerusalem and ask the elders concerning this issue.
What happened, false teachers, they came there telling that we should add works before Jerusalem council. After writing Galatians, same problem came. Then what happened, Paul and Barnabas were debating with those men.
So, that is right hand issues. They are adding works to the salvation. Standing for good doctrines is good.
Even Jude says, right? As I read before, Jude chapter 1 verse 3, Beloved, I felt necessity to write you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith. You need to fight for the faith. So, are you getting brothers? If it is right hand issues, you can stand.
You can disagree with whoever disagreeing Don’t confuse about that. If someone is contradicting the doctrines, the right hand issues, you should stand for that how Paul and how Jude writing these things. But Paul is saying something different.
He asks us to avoid them because it is foolish. Can you see that foolish controversies? It is foolish thing. Nothing is there.
It is not helping. And even he says it is unprofitable at the same time worthless because it is foolish controversies. As I said before, the foolish controversies is referring the religious problems, argument about religion, argument about theological things.
The first Timothy chapter 6 verse 3 to 4, If anyone advocates a different doctrine, does not agree with sound oaths, and understands nothing, but he has morbid interest in controversial questions, disputes about words, out of which arise envy, strife, abusive language, evil, suspicious. Can you see that abusive language people use for foolish things? I am right, you are wrong. Some almost going to beat that person to win his argument, right? Sometimes these things happen for foolish debates, for foolish things, foolish theological debates.
What are the examples even so called good preachers, those who know good theology will fight for? Pre-mill, post-mill, pre-tip, post-trip, these things are not foolish controversies, but they are not right hand issues. If you are fighting, if you are debating with others about pre-trip, pre-mill, and pre-trip, and post-trip, that is not edifying, right? You are wasting your time. You are wasting your time.
Don’t spend much time arguing with others about these things. Don’t argue with others about these things, especially with your pastors when you go back. You keep the truth in your mind and slowly, slowly, when text comes, when you are preaching word by word, chapter by chapter, book by book, those things will come.
Then you teach, nothing wrong, but don’t argue even for these things. But if you come about foolish theological issues, don’t talk. The second useless debate that we must run away from is speculative debate.
Speculations, right? It does not refer to tracing one’s descendant. This refers to myths competing in genealogical form. Even Irenaeus and other, another person, Tertullian, interpreted it as referring to Gnostic’s teaching.
It involved speculations. You know Gnostic teaching, like know wisdom, they will think about wisdom, whatever wisdom they have, those things, these things are connected to genealogies. It refers to Biblical history enriched by interpretation and additions.
Even 1st Timothy chapter 1 verse 4, Paul says, nor to pay attention to myths and deadless, endless genealogies. Endless genealogies, it cannot end because it is speculative speech, not looking at the Bible, just you are using your brain, just you are speculating. Don’t do that, Paul said that.
Titus chapter 1 verse 14, not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth. 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 23 says, refuse foolish and ignorant speculations, ignorant speculation. These men are debating with others, even with Titus don’t do that, don’t do that, avoid.
It is a useless, the 2nd useless debate, speculative debate. The 3rd useless debate that we must run away from is the law oriented debate. You can see 2 words, strife, he says, verse 9, he says that strife and disputes about the law.
Strife refers to engagement in rivalry, especially concerning position taken in a matter. Somebody has taken one position in one matter, somebody has taken another position in same matter, the both are fighting with their words. Then he says quarrels, that is quarrels right, disputes he says.
Literally battles fought without actual weapons, that is the literal meaning. Battle fought, battle won without weapons. So, without weapon is, they are not using any weapon but they are using their mouth, their words to win their battle.
It is like fighting, quarrels, disputes about the law. So much are going there about the law, which is good, which is bad, we need to think about that law, we need to bring that law in our teachings. These are happening in the church, especially you know, these false teachings, these things happen in Ephesus and Crete.
So, we need to understand, Paul is saying that don’t do that, people are doing, people are debating, people are fighting but don’t do that. 1st Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 says, wanting to be teachers of the law, even though they do not understand, either what they are saying wanting to be teachers of the law. They are not wanting to be teachers of the gospel, they want to become teachers of the law, they are fighting for the law, for the law.
Don’t do that, he is saying. For example, we heard right, the life of Christ, you are watching that video, for example, I can bring, don’t spit on the field and Sabbath. Don’t spit on the field, you are watering, you are watering to the trees, don’t spit.
So, one teacher is saying, don’t spit on Sabbath in the field because you are watering, you are working. But somebody is saying, no, we can spit. Somebody is saying, we should not spit.
Something, some garbage is happening about the law. Wash your hands, serve the Lord on Saturday because can you see, in the law, if you need to worship, you need to serve the Lord on Sabbath. Sabbath day is Saturday, seventh day.
So, we will start our church service on Saturday. Somebody is saying, no, no, no, we will worship God on Sunday. Somebody is saying, we will worship on Saturday.
So, some debates are happening there. Don’t do that, empty, fruitless things. Use your mouth to glorify God.
Avoid, run away from these men. Run away from these men. Two principles that a pastor must follow to have God glorifying speech.
The first principle, assert confidence in God’s salvation. Second one, run away from useless debates. There is a proverb in English, running away from everything can also be running away towards something.
Running away from something can also mean running towards something. If you are running away from debates, useless debates, it means you are running towards good things. That is speaking confidently about the salvation of God, the amazing salvation of God.
See, if you are wasting time with these debates, what will happen? You don’t have time to prepare a good sermon. You are wasting your time. Many times I have seen that so called preachers, they will come in television, they are debating about useless things, wasting their own time.
They are not preparing sermons. They are not preaching the truth. So you can overcome this useless speech when you fill your time with useful speeches, right? Do good things, be busy with good things, and useless things will run away from you because you don’t have time.
But people are doing. Don’t do that. That is the instruction.
Avoid, run away from them and do what you should do. Speak confidently. Brothers, we can use our mouth to glorify God.
God may help us to glorify God even through our mouth. Let’s pray. Gracious Heavenly Father, we come before you.
Thank you Lord for instructions and guidelines from Titus Lord. Thank you Lord for teaching us how to use our mouth to glorify you. Lord help us to speak your truth especially the gospel Lord which can save sinners from hell.
Lord help us Lord to avoid useless debates Lord. Protect us Lord. Give us wisdom and make us a faithful useful servant of Christ.
Be with us Lord. I uphold these brothers. Lord give them that heart and passion to them to serve, to preach, to teach good things Lord.
Lord help them Lord not wasting time with debates about useless things. Be with us Lord. Glorify your name through our lives, through our studies, through our speech.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.